Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal <div id="alpha"> <div id="intro-text"><strong>Mental Enlightenment scientific-methodological journal</strong> is a scientific-theoretical and methodical publication and is published quarterly in Uzbek (with resumes in Russian and English) in A4 format. The aims and Objectives of the Scientific and Methodological journal “Mental Enlightenment” are to increase the intellectual level of research assistants and to promote the results of research.</div> </div> Jizzakh: Jizzakh State Pedagogical University named after A.Kadyri en-US Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal 2181-6131 METHODOLOGICAL FOUNDATIONS OF DEVELOPING STUDENTS’ INDEPENDENT LEARNING COMPETENCE IN TEACHING ENGLISH <p>This research article explores the methodological basis for the development of independent learning competence among students in English language teaching programs. Independent learning competence, a key skill for language learners, involves the ability to manage one’s learning process, select appropriate resources, and engage in reflective practices. The article provides a comprehensive literature review on the theoretical foundations of independent learning and discusses various teaching methodologies that can support its development in English language learners.</p> Aziza Rahimjonova Copyright (c) 2025 Aziza Rahimjonova 2025-03-20 2025-03-20 6 02 11 18 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-02 CONTENT OF THE TRAINING PROCESS METHODOLOGY FOR STUDENT HURDLERS <p>The work reveals the main directions of the training and competitive process of hurdlers. The methodology, means and methods of training hurdlers of various levels of preparedness are revealed</p> Larisa Vladimirovna Smurygina Copyright (c) 2025 Larisa Vladimirovna Smurygina 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 6 02 51 58 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-07 DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIFIC PHYSICAL QUALITIES IN SKILLED VOLLEYBALL PLAYERS <p>Nowadays, many researchers focus solely on analyzing the execution and improvement of passing techniques in volleyball. However, it is emphasized that there is no effective and transparent system for selecting (recruiting) talented young athletes in volleyball. This lack of a structured selection process prevents the formation of a strong sports reserve and the preparation of high-level athletes for national teams. Identifying the key physical qualities of volleyball players and studying their development during their athletic progression is of scientific interest.</p> <p>This article explores the development of specific physical qualities in skilled volleyball players across different playing positions. It also highlights innovative approaches to training that integrate physical culture, physical education, health improvement, physical development, and the promotion of a healthy lifestyle to foster well-rounded, physically and morally developed individuals.</p> Abdinaim Xudoynazarovich Jo‘rayev Copyright (c) 2025 Abdinaim Xudoynazarovich Jo‘rayev 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 6 02 34 40 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-05 SPECIFIC FEATURES OF ORGANIZING THE TRAINING OF PARA SWIMMERS AT THE EDUCATIONAL-TRAINING STAGE <p>The article provides a detailed analysis of the training process for para swimmers in the C-9 and C-10 categories, who are training at the educational-training stage, and the results of implementing exercises in the training process aimed at improving their sports performance.</p> Ismakhmud Alievich Baymuratov Copyright (c) 2025 Ismakhmud Alievich Baymuratov 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 6 02 19 25 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-03 CONTENT OF SPECIAL PHYSICAL PREPAREDNESS OF HIGHLY QUALIFIED SHORT-DISTANCE RUNNERS <p>The article examines ways to improve the efficiency and optimize the training process of highly qualified runners in short-distance running. The results of the study of general and special physical fitness are given. The most effective means and methods of training athletes in short-distance running are identified</p> Larisa Vladimirovna Smurigina Copyright (c) 2025 Larisa Vladimirovna Smurigina 2025-03-20 2025-03-20 6 02 1 10 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-01 CONSIDERATIONS ON THE SEMANTIC STRUCTURE OF THE CONCEPT OF "FAMILY" <p>The innumerable meanings reflected in the structure of the concept lead to the appearance of many layers in it, which in turn manifests itself as a structure. Realization of the semantic structure of the concept in the language is studied with the help of semantic and other fields, especially the paremosemantic field. This process reveals the national-cultural character of the universal concept.</p> Dilnavoz Jumanova Copyright (c) 2025 Dilnavoz Jumanova 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 6 02 41 50 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-06 HOW ELECTRONIC PORTFOLIOS ENABLE TEACHERS TO DEVELOP PROFESSIONALLY <p>This work explains the importance of using e-portfolios in the continuing professional development of the secondary school English teachers in Uzbekistan. Last years, fundamentally modern approaches have been introduced to the continuous professional development system of our country. Electronic portfolios suggested to be used as a data collection tool, self-assessment, reflection, and journey of learning to reflect. A survey on implementing the usage of the electronic portfolios in the ongoing professional development of teachers will be discussed in detail. Also, it provides some suggestions for finding solutions for those challenges through creating e-portfolios by using Google Sites and Some works of secondary school teachers created by Google Sites and will be shared.</p> Saodat Yulbarsovna Erkaboyeva Copyright (c) 2025 Saodat Yulbarsovna Erkaboyeva 2025-03-25 2025-03-25 6 02 26 33 10.37547/mesmj-V6-I2-04