
  • Fozil Irmatov Muminovich Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute Teacher of the Department of Physics and Methods of Teaching It


physics,, nonphysical specialization, , modern educational technologies


This article explores the specifics of teaching physics in nonphysical specializations. In the areas of non-physical specialization of pedagogical higher education institutions, it is emphasized that the physics program should be radically different from the curriculum of physics, which is a specialized subject. Many other modern educational technologies are based on the teaching of physics for students of non-physical specialties, the organization of the educational process. The main focus in the teaching of physics to students of non-physical specialties is the content of theoretical materials necessary for the formation of scientific thinking among students, the creation of opportunities for independent study of physics.


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How to Cite

Fozil Irmatov Muminovich. (2021). ASSESSMENT OF STUDENTS’ LEVELS OF STUDYING PHYSICS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 3(03), 98–107. Retrieved from


