
  • Zamira A. Shirnazarova Lecturer Chirchik State Pedagogical University Chirchik, Uzbekistan



Intercultural communication,, pan-European competences in foreign language acquisition: learning, teaching and assessment


This article discusses the concept of intercultural communication and the history of its development, as well as the scientists who brought this concept to science. In addition, in order to learn a foreign language, it is necessary to study the language's vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation rules. However, in order to successfully communicate with foreign language speakers, the knowledge listed above is not enough, it is necessary to understand the formation of communication skills, in particular, what rules exist in communication. It is emphasized in this article that in learning a foreign language, the competence of intercultural communication should be mastered along with language materials.


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How to Cite

Zamira A. Shirnazarova. (2023). THE CONCEPT OF “INTERCULTURAL COMMINICATION” IN TE CONTEXT OF TODETY’S SOCIETY. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(03), 174–179.