
  • Gulnara U. Temirkhanova Navoi State University Navoi, Uzbekistan



foreign words, foreign language,, external communication


the article presents the opinions of local and foreign scholars about the adaptation of foreign language words to the Karakalpak language and the reasons for the adaptation. Extensive information on internal and external customized words and external customized words will be reviewed in several stages. The reasons for the variation of the cited examples, along with the evidence from which language they were taken, are presented. It is shown that the data of the language consists of several parts, the processes of lexical semantic assimilation are proposed, and at the same time, the peripheries of linguistic research are discussed in order to examine the formal construction of foreign language words and dynamics in the language. It is shown that the redistribution of linguistic interests to a certain extent in the learning of all the words from other languages ​​in the acquired language is a completely regular result of systematic attention to the learning of words in other languages, and in the same cases it is the absolutization of the official aspect of foreign language words, as opposed to the undervalued form of assimilation of the foreign language layer in the native language. Importance is emphasized and for that reason, the studies that recognize the complex nature of the processes of change in the formal and lexical semantic rules of foreign words in the same language show a more promising level of visibility.


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How to Cite

Gulnara U. Temirkhanova. (2023). FOREIGN LANGUAGE WORDS IN KARAKALPAK LANGUAGE. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(03), 188–197.