DOI: %20Keywords:
analysis of the text, literary texts,, assessment,Abstract
Linguistic analysis of a literary text, as a linguodidactic problem, acquires particular relevance when referring to a literary work in a national audience, since its perception in this case is hindered by the existence of both a “language barrier” and the influence of a national aesthetic system that has developed within the national culture. These difficulties and the specifics of the study of Russian literary texts prompts the search for ways that can provide optimal conditions for mastering the aesthetic potential of the work and its understanding, as well as the development and development of analysis skills. The article studied linguistic, literary, pedagogical, methodological literature on the topic of research, generalized the experience of teaching the linguistic analysis of a literary text, identified the main stages and direction in the process of analyzing a literary prose text, developed a method of slices for experimental verification of the level of proficiency in the analysis of a literary prose text, ascertaining sections were carried out, which made it possible to establish the level of proficiency in the analysis of a literary text before experimental training, the ultimate goals of teaching linguistic analysis of the text are substantiated are as a means of developing the language and speech competence of students - identifying the connections and relationships of language units of different levels in the text. The practical significance of the research in this article is determined by the development of methodological tools for teaching linguistic analysis of the text in order to develop the language and speech competence of students; didactic schemes and tables for Russian language lessons, educational and methodological recommendations for the analysis of texts, systematized according to certain typological grounds. The results of the study can be used in the course of teaching the Russian language in pedagogical universities, special courses and special seminars, in teaching practice, preparation of term papers and theses.
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