
  • Yakhshieva Zulfizar1 ELT in Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute1
  • , Khudoynazarova Dilora2 2nd year Master of Faculty of Art2, Uzbekistan


discourse, culture, cross-cultural


The present article is devoted to the culture, as a specific form of human relations, is represented by objects, actions, words and that the cross-cultural communication this is the process of direct interaction of cultures. Conversational analysis and discursive analysis are general, and the basis for the study is the selection of natural real dialogues. The analysis of conjugation offers to consider dialogical relations in their specific manifestation. Discursive analysis includes the study of the strategies and intentions of the speakers, the processes of intelligence: ethnographic, psychological and socio-cultural rules and strategies for the formation and understanding of speech. The study of communication can be seen as an integral part of conversation analysis and speech analysis.


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How to Cite

Yakhshieva Zulfizar1, & , Khudoynazarova Dilora2. (2021). DISCOURSE AS A UNIT OF LINGUISTICS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2(02), 151–159. Retrieved from http://mentaljournal-jspu.uz/index.php/mesmj/article/view/89


