This article is devoted to some literary and theoretical views of Alliteration in English, giving a stylistic analysis of some literary passages in which the word master in the text of a work of art uses repetitions of individual consonants or their combinations. Alliteration is a method of euphonic repetition in one voice, tuning one or two similar sounds. It is a beautiful musical unity of the author’s thought inherent in poetry and high prose. Usually the semantic words of a sentence are alliterated. The article emphasizes that for alliteration to be effective, alliteration words must be consistent. If there are too many non-alliterative words in the middle, then the literary medium is not fit for purpose. In this regard, this article discusses alliteration and its methodological and stylistic functions in the literature.
alliteration,, repetition of the words, literary deviceHow to Cite
. Alliteration // Literary encyclopedia of terms and concepts / Ed. A. N. Nikolyukina. - Institute for Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Intelvac, 2001. - Stb. 28 - 1596 p. - ISBN 5-93264-026-X.
. Alliteration // Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - SPb., 1890-1907.
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. Crews, Frederick (1977), The Random House Handbook (2nd ed.), New York: Random House, ISBN0- 394-211-2
. Harmon, William (2012), A Handbook of Literature (12th ed.), Boston: Longman, ISBN978-0-205-02401-8
.Bekson, Karl; Ganz, Arthur (1989), Literary Terms: Dictionary (3rd ed.), New York: Noonday Press, LCCN 88-34368
. Blake, NF "Rhythmic Alliteration". Modern Philology 67.2 (1969): 118-24. Print out.
. Boers, Frank and Seth Lindstromberg. "Finding Easy Ways to Learn Data: The Mneemonic Effect of Alliteration." System 33.2 (2005): 225-38. Print out.
. Bryant, PE, et al. “Math and Alliteration, Phonogram Identification, and Learning to Read,” Developmental Psychology 26.3 (1990): 429-38. Print out.
. Clarke, WM "Intentional Alliteration in Virgil and Ovid." Latomus 35.2 (1976): 276-300. Print out.
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. Keri, Gary; Snodgrass, Mary Ellen (1999), Multicultural Dictionary of Literary Terms, Jefferson: McFarland & Company, ISBN 0-7864-0552-X
. Crews, Frederick (1977), Random House Guide (2nd ed.), New York: Random House, ISBN 0-394-31211-2
. Harmon, William (2012), Handbook for Literature (12th edition), Boston: Longman, ISBN 978-0-205-02401-8.
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