
  • Mamarasulova G.A., Independent researcher (PhD), Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute jane130890@gmail.com
  • Independent researcher (PhD), Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute jane130890@gmail.com Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


The Eastern motifs,, Oriental prose,, writers of Oriental fiction,


This article examines the stories which based on authentic East in the early English Romantic literature and their main role of interest to create an extraordinary eastern world and motifs. By examining these historically important researches, I clarify that how the concept of Orientalism appeared in English literature. This article is written on the basis of the issues of historical eastern formation of the oriental stories. It expresses such features as a genuine Oriental environment and the ancients’ oriental works which many foreign scholars and diplomats of the late eighteenth century were interested in. The Oriental literature was really a manifestation of the general change in taste from neo-classicism to romanticism. In the first half of century the tendency of writers of Oriental fiction and poetry was to use the Oriental material as a means of moralizing of satirizing the follies of their own culture.


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Webster, The White Devil, III, II, 11. 129-133.




How to Cite

Mamarasulova G.A., & Independent researcher (PhD), Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute jane130890@gmail.com. (2020). ENGLISH LITERARY INTEREST IN EXPLORING THE ROMANTIC EASTERN WORLD. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 1(01), 139–148. Retrieved from https://mentaljournal-jspu.uz/index.php/mesmj/article/view/19


