Parcellation is a syntactic structure of a text that uses the deliberate division of a connected thought into its components in order to enhance the expression of emotions, describe the state of the subject, describe inner speech, etc. Particle structures are the most convenient and effective way to introduce the intonation features typical of oral speech into the literary text. In spoken speech, the tone is extremely free and unique. Especially, instead of the usual smooth, standard syntactic forms of expression, the use of lively, dynamic and naturally formed sentences is one of the most characteristic features of colloquial speech. Various interruptions, confusions of expression, and mental incompleteness can occur in conversational speech in connection with certain mental states. "Logical shift, structural break, semantic-intonational jump characteristic of parcellation creates a scattered, ring-shaped, syntactic construction consisting of compact parts." Such non-normative structures do not create difficulties for communication participants in understanding the idea. Rather, they allow the listener to quickly, easily, and clearly understand the passage being emphasized compared to a "one-line" statement.
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