
  • Аzimbek Mаdаminоv



physical culture, education, scientific research, student, pedagogy, scientific supervisor, sport, process, standard, criterion, abstract, independent work, course work, graduation qualification work.


This article is dedicated to the scientific research criteria of students in the field of physical culture, and it contains the criteria for writing scientific research papers by the student and his supervisor, in addition, currently a number of scientific researches in the field of physical culture and sports are not only for researchers, but also for educational purposes and the fact that other physical culture and sports coaches of the institutions are also a proof of our opinion. A creative attitude to one's work involves the search for new, original and effective methods of solving pedagogical problems, providing insights and guidance in order to positively influence the future work of students is an urgent problem of today. For this purpose, it is recommended to train highly qualified, competitive personnel in the future by orienting students to this process and teaching its specific requirements.


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How to Cite

Mаdаminоv А. (2023). CRITERIA FOR RESEARCH WORKS OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION STUDENTS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(6), 132–136.