
  • Irodaxon Khamidova



Semantic feature, Idioms, analysis, proverbs, figurative language, the collection of phrases and words, semantics meanings, formal, lexical, conceptual.


This article is devoted to the analysis of semantic features of English proverbs and idioms with antonymous components. The antonymous equivalents of proverbs and idioms in English language are given with their meanings.

Understanding semantic features of English proverbs and idioms with antonymous components is essential for analyzing and describing the meaning and relation between words in a language. They provide a framework for studying lexical semantics and contribute to a deeper understanding of language and its structure. These methods are used to do the research: 1) The method of description of phraseological units; 2) The method of semantic analysis of idioms, proverbs and sayings. From the results it is obvious that idioms as a form of figurative language, employ various semantic mechanisms such as antonym, hyperbole, irony, metaphor, metonymy, and synecdoche to convey meaning in a concise and memorable manner.

Idioms are often used to replace a literal word or expression for stylistic or rhetorical purposes. Because they make the text richer, adding depth to the intended meaning. In short, although proverbs employ figurative language, they are more literal sayings that convey a general truth or piece of advice. On the other hand, idioms have a figurative or metaphorical meaning that is different from the meaning of the words used in the context. We think that the system analysis of antonyms used in English proverbs, idioms and sayings will contribute to further research not only in the field of linguistics and literature, but also psycho-ethno-linguistics and even some pedagogical issues. It should be mentioned that the problems of antonym are not new in linguistics at present time.


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How to Cite

Khamidova , I. (2023). SEMANTIC FEATURES OF ENGLISH PROVERBS AND IDIOMS WITH ANTONYMOUS COMPONENTS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(6), 370–382.