
  • Khurshid Karshiev



In this article, people and young people in the life of society. Moral education is aimed at enlightening the personality in all aspects. Moral education is an important factor in the formation of a person's worldview, which is recognized by a certain society and must be followed.  Moral education is an important component of comprehensive development of personality. It is a process aimed at inculcating moral ideas and knowledge in children, educating them about moral feelings and qualities, positive attitudes and moral culture. In the process of moral education, the child matures morally. During the development of moral ideas, first of all, they begin to consciously understand their relationships with others; moral lessons develop in their relationships with peers and adults.Morality is a separate form of social consciousness, which includes the norms and rules of people's behavior, their attitude to themselves, to other people, to work, and to society. Morality has a class character, because morals are feelings, concepts and principles specific to a certain social formation, and it changes as the social system changes.


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How to Cite

Karshiev , K. (2024). MORAL EDUCATION. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 5(03), 213–218.