
  • Bobur B. Murtazayev




We know that traning young children in every sport caous problems and difficulties.Teaching them a sport requires a lot of time to keep them in order. Terefore,it is recommended to use following methodes when working with them.Depending on the height,weigiht and ebility oh the child, flexibility ,the length of the leg end arm.With this indicator,it is possible to determine how quickly the cheldern`s ability to achieve results will change, and it will depend on the ability.It plays a very important role in the sport of taekwondo.Taekwondo is especially suitable for cheldren with long arms and legs.Flexibility is also very important because flexibility is the main weopen in this sport.And it is important to select these children from the beginning by using the result with the childthe way to reach becomes easier.


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How to Cite

B. Murtazayev , B. (2024). TEACHING TAEKWONDO SPORT TO YOUNGER CHELDREN. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 5(03), 259–269. https://doi.org/10.37547/mesmj-V5-I4-32