
  • Abdulkhamid Abduvaliev Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute
  • Ziyoda Abduvalieva Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute


vocabulary;, communicative vocabulary;, explicitness;


The purpose of this article is to determine whether there are specific ways to teach vocabulary in the Uzbek compulsory school system that can enhance the overall communicative ability of English learners from 7 to 9 years. So adding random phrases here may seem a little strange to the reader. However, in the search for relevant research for this article and in subsequent work with it, it became clear that the study of words by chance is a very large part of how students learn by simply using and influencing CLT language focusing on important aspects of target language communication. This has been demonstrated even more clearly on the basis of vocabulary teaching and in various studies. In addition, research on the study of word combinations is evolving, moving away from these two separate research subjects, namely, random study of words and precise study of words. As a result, the inclusion of this section is relevant in this article.


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How to Cite

Abdulkhamid Abduvaliev, & Ziyoda Abduvalieva. (2021). TEACHING EXPLICIT VOCABULARY IN THE EFL CLASSROOM. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 1(01), 59–67. Retrieved from https://mentaljournal-jspu.uz/index.php/mesmj/article/view/51


