This article presents a comprehensive examination of verbs through a dual lens of functional and semantic analysis. By exploring the structural roles of verbs in sentences and dissecting their semantic contributions to meaning, we aim to enhance our understanding of the complex nature of these essential linguistic elements. This study delves into the multifaceted nature of verbs, exploring their functional and semantic dimensions in linguistic analysis. By conducting a thorough examination of verbs through the lenses of syntax and semantics, we uncover the intricate roles these pivotal linguistic entities play in structuring language and conveying meaning. This research contributes to an enriched perspective on the pivotal role of verbs within language, portraying them as central conduits of syntactic structures, semantic meanings, and communicative intent. The findings offer valuable insights into the nuanced interplay of form and content in linguistic expressions, emphasizing the dynamic interconnections between grammar and meaning in the intricate tapestry of language use.
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Turdiboyeva, D. (2022). FE’LNING SEMANTIK SHAKLI: FE’LNING SEMANTIK SHAKLI. Журнал иностранных языков и лингвистики, 4(4). извлечено от
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