
  • Nodira Baltayeva



This article explores the role of synonyms in expanding students' vocabulary in both English and Uzbek. Synonyms, as words with similar meanings but differing nuances, serve as valuable tools for learners to develop deeper lexical competence and communicative precision. The article compares the linguistic and cultural factors influencing synonym use in both languages, emphasizing the importance of contextual understanding, connotation, and etymology. Practical strategies such as synonym mapping, comparative exploration, task-based activities, and active writing exercises are discussed as effective methods for increasing vocabulary. Challenges like false synonyms and register differences are also addressed, providing a comprehensive framework for educators to enhance vocabulary instruction. Ultimately, the use of synonyms not only broadens learners’ word banks but also fosters a more flexible, accurate, and confident use of language in diverse communicative settings.


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How to Cite

Baltayeva, N. (2024). INCREASING STUDENTS’ VOCABULARY WITH THE HELP OF SYNONYMS IN ENGLISH AND UZBEK LANGUAGES. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 5(07), 47–53.