
  • Liliya Solyakhova



The article reveals the main meanings of the concept of professionally important qualities and competencies necessary for personal development. The subject of the study is the development of professionally important qualities and competencies for a future officer, necessary for the effective performance of their functional duties. Thus, military personnel must acquire not only the qualities that are required for the effective performance of professional activities, but also those necessary for professional communication, professional growth, and overcoming extreme situations that arise in the course of their work. In addition, the article examines both internal and external factors that influence the professional and personal development of a cadet.


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How to Cite

Solyakhova, L. (2024). FORMATION OF PROFESSIONALLY IMPORTANT QUALITIES AS THE BASIS FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CADET’S PERSONALITY. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 5(07), 224–230.