
  • S. Tajibayev
  • Sh. Arslanov
  • D. Yuldosheva
  • A. Rejemetov
  • I. K. Buranov




This article provides a comprehensive kinematic analysis of the "Mawashi-Geri" technique among karate students. Utilizing motion capture technology, the study recorded and analyzed the movements involved in executing the roundhouse kick. The methodology focused on capturing angular velocities, trajectories, and force generation of the participants' limbs during the technique. Results indicated significant variations in kinematic patterns between novice and experienced practitioners, with experienced individuals demonstrating more efficient energy transfer and higher impact velocities. The discussion underscores the importance of proper alignment and timing in maximizing the effectiveness of the "Mawashi-Geri," as well as the potential for injury if executed incorrectly. The conclusion emphasizes the value of kinematic analysis in comprehending martial arts techniques and improving training routines. The study's findings provide valuable insights that can assist coaches and athletes in refining their skills and achieving optimal performance in karate.


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How to Cite

Tajibayev, S., Arslanov, S., Yuldosheva, D., Rejemetov, A., & Buranov, I. K. (2024). KARATE PLAYERS OF DIFFERENT CATEGORIES «MAVASHE-GERI» SHOT INDIVIDUAL INDICATORS OF KINEMATICS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 5(07), 231–245. https://doi.org/10.37547/mesmj-V5-I7-30