
  • Nozima Musayeva
  • Gulbaxor Xadjikurbanova




Listening is a vital skill for communication and language learning. It enhances understanding, interaction, and assessing information. Podcasts, with their accessibility and flexibility, improve listening comprehension by exposing learners to authentic language and diverse accents. They promote autonomy, motivation, and engagement, making them valuable in modern, self-paced, and resource-limited educational contexts. This study aims to comprehensively understand podcasts' transformative potential in education, with implications for their integration into future teaching practices and technologies. This bibliometric review analyzed 68 podcast-based listening skills development publications from 2006 to 2024 using the Web of Science database. This review highlights podcasts as a growing educational tool for enhancing L2 listening skills. While podcasts complement traditional methods, their accessibility benefits resource-limited learners.


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How to Cite

Musayeva, N., & Xadjikurbanova, G. (2025). EXPLORING PODCASTS IN EDUCATION: A BIBLIOMETRIC REVIEW ON LISTENING SKILL DEVELOPMENT. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 6(01), 212–219. https://doi.org/10.37547/mesmj-V6-I1-28