
  • Faniya Ahmedshina Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute


the era of digital technologies, skills and competencies of the XXI century,, new information and its critical assessment, gender gap


The rapid development of computer and information technology is changing the face of the modern world, making it more and more sensitive to innovation. Changing technologies are having an increasingly rapid impact on the development of digital skills and literacy skills. The transition to a new technological order changes the gender balance of personnel in all spheres of life. Analyzing the gender dimensions of digital literacy and skills is important both from the point of view of social justice (unequal distribution of men and women in the exact and natural sciences) and from the point of view of improving the efficiency of the use of labor resources to ensure sustainable development


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How to Cite

Faniya Ahmedshina. (2021). 21ST CENTURY SKILLS AND THE NEW LITERACY: THE GENDER GAP. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 3(03), 01–11. Retrieved from https://mentaljournal-jspu.uz/index.php/mesmj/article/view/94


