
  • Nasir Saidkhanov
  • Rano Fazilova
  • Milana Saidkhanova




coastal zones, public spaces, park, square, canal, river, trees, benches, temperature, city


It is well-known that the extensive development of open spaces in Tashkent has resulted in a reduction of public areas, with residential buildings, shops, and other retail outlets taking their place. This has led to the destruction of playgrounds in front of multi-storey buildings, the cutting down of perennial trees, and the demolition of ancient monuments and historical buildings. A public opinion poll has shown that citizens prefer to vacation in the coastal areas along the canals and rivers of the city. This study aims to investigate the feasibility of expanding the city's public spaces by creating and expanding coastal zones.


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How to Cite

Saidkhanov, N., Fazilova, R., & Saidkhanova, M. (2023). EXPANSION OF PUBLIC SPACES IN THE CITY AT THE EXPENSE OF COASTAL ZONES. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(04). https://doi.org/10.37547/mesmj-V4-I4-28