
  • Nasir Saidkhanov
  • Rano Fazilova
  • Milana Saidkhanova



The historical role of the fortress walls of ancient cities is described. The data characterizing the fortress wall and gates of Tashkent are given, including the growth of the length of the fortress wall and the number of gates with the expansion of the city.

The paper describes the work done in the Department of Digital Development of the Tashkent Khokimiyat to determine the exact location of the 12 gates of Tashkent and the Tashkent wall, which are of great historical interest. The characteristics of the gates of the city, the fortress wall, its length are given. The purpose of the so-called teshik passages, which did not have the full status of gates, is described. The restoration of the location of the gate and the fortress wall will certainly make it possible to significantly expand the tourist routes of the city.


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How to Cite

Saidkhanov, N., Fazilova, R., & Saidkhanova, M. (2023). THE HISTORY OF THE ANCIENT GATES AND THE FORTRESS WALL OF TASHKENT. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(6), 243–255.