
  • Mokhinur Akmalova



In modern pedagogical practice, there is no single approach to communication in the management of preschool educational institutions; managers feel the need to understand at a theoretical level the model of interaction with teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions. In this regard, there is an objective need not only for the organization and implementation of competent communications between managers of preschool educational institutions, but also for its effective management. The manager must be competent in making management decisions that determine the program of the team’s activities to resolve current problems based on knowledge of the objective laws of the functioning of the managed system and analysis of information about its condition. The objectives of this study are to determine the essence, principles, functions, structure of communication activities of managers of a preschool institution, which determine the specifics of managerial influence on it.


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How to Cite

Akmalova , M. (2023). SCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATION OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION MANAGERS. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 4(05), 23–32.