This article provides an overview of the current state of literature on the relationship between teacher-student interaction and communicative competence in educational settings. The annotation synthesizes key findings from a diverse range of studies to elucidate the multifaceted nature of this relationship and its implications for educational practice. The analysis highlights the importance of effective communication between teachers and students for the development of students’ communicative competence and overall academic success. This paper aimed to investigate the impact of teacher-student interaction on the development of communicative competence in educational settings. The study employed a mixed-methods approach, incorporating surveys, observations, and interviews to gather data from a diverse sample of educators and students across various educational levels. The findings offer valuable insights into the nuanced relationship between teacher-student interaction and the enhancement of communicative competence. The author concludes that by recognizing and harnessing the power of teacher-student interactions, educational institutions can contribute significantly to the linguistic proficiency and overall academic success of their students
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