
  • Dildora Safarova Senior teacher at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute


generation, the “lost generation”,, novels, literary criticism


This article is dedicated to the generation of people who understand that there is no meaning in the world. They experienced this monstrous existential state, in which what they were taught turned into some strange decay. This generation (to which Jacob Barnes belongs) is not able to look at the absurd, because it really requires amazing courage. That is why they constantly infect themselves with some ideas, some intellectual schemes, philosophical reasoning, concepts. That is, they try all the time to poison their brain with something to establish a connection with reality. That is why the characters drink all the time, they almost never appear before us sober: either they drink, or they are preparing to drink, or they are in a state of hangover and are preparing to drink again. It's such a constant carnival, a constant alcoholism that happens to them.


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How to Cite

Dildora Safarova. (2021). ERNEST HEMINGWAY AND THE “LOST GENERATION”. Mental Enlightenment Scientific-Methodological Journal, 2(02), 91–98. Retrieved from


